When we are unwell, the last thing we want to do is be added to long waiting lists or face a hefty bill.
The benefits of private health insurance policies have been created to make life, and health issues, less stressful and much more comfortable to deal with. In the recent years, it has also become a lot more affordable and accessible.
Forget public hospitals waiting lists
By holding private medical insurance, you can skip ahead of long waiting lists that local hospitals and public healthcare systems often have, especially on illness and injuries regarded as ‘elective surgery.’
Elective surgery is defined as any surgery that is not deemed immediately medically necessary, therefore you have to wait on a list to have them done. The procedures can include many common illnesses such as joint operations to having tonsils removed.
Waiting lists for these types of operations with public hospitals can be anything from weeks, to months, and sometimes even years.
Not only will private medical insurance get your surgery booked in much earlier, your date will not be pushed back to prioritise a more urgent patient, unlike public healthcare services.
Preventive Medical services
Preventing potential or future health conditions by early diagnosis saves lives.
Private medical insurance policies can include a number of tests and examinations, to help keep you healthy and to catch a potential health issue before it arises.
These preventative health benefits include annual health checks to make sure there are no changes to your overall well-being, such as changes in blood pressure, weight, cholesterol and glucose levels.
Not only that, private health policies also include vaccinations and routine gynaecological tests, mammograms and prostate exams.
Financial protection against life critical illness
Private medical healthcare insurances provide financial peace of mind and support from large and unexpected monetary disbursements, leaving you or your family to focus on getting better and moving forward.
Being unable to work due to a critical illness can cause additional unwanted strain and pressure in hard times.
Prices negotiated beforehand
Should you choose or need to have private treatment and you do not have a policy in place, there will be little or no room to negotiate what that would cost. Private treatments have set fees which are often very costly.
With a private medical insurance policy, all costs are negotiated and agreed upfront as part of your claim process. This means that there will be no nasty surprises should you need to have any private treatment.
Avoid Accident & Emergency
Hopefully you haven’t needed to visit A&E in a public hospital. If you have, you will know that emergency room waiting times can be very long, sometimes lasting hours. Unless you are in a severe life-threatening situation, all you can do is wait for your turn.
Whilst private hospitals in the UK do not have an A&E department, many private hospitals outside of the UK do. This means that with private medical insurance should you need to visit the hospital for an accident or emergency, you will be able to be seen much more quickly than in a public hospital.
Here at HealthCare International we have over 35 years in the expat insurance industry, providing medical cover that is customisable to your needs. To get a quote or speak to one of our sales representatives, please contact us.
Find out more about our International Private Medical Insurance for expats.